- Created by: 10cmurphy
- Created on: 05-04-17 15:12
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- Impact of WW1 on the armed forces
- Russian army
- 1908-military reforms including enough equipment
- Had to decide a defensive or offensive strategy
- Increased tension in the Balkans-Russians adopted 'Grand Plan' in 1913
- France wanted Russia to take an offensive strategy
- Armed forces and WW1
- Economy struggled to maintain supplies
- 1914-no quick victory against Germans
- Revealed importance of new technology
- Suffered over 250,000 casualties
- Developments, 1915-1916
- Command centre very ineffective
- Transport slow, lack of ammunition
- Tsar made himself Commander in Chief
- Tsar knew nothing about military
- Tsar could be held directly responsible for failures
- Developments, 1916-1917
- General Alexeyev improved shell production
- Brusilov launched a successful attack on Austro-Hungarian forces
- December 1916-1.6 million dead and 3.9 million wounded
- Many generals were poor leaders
- Russia fell into revolution 1917, Tsar abdicated
- Russian army
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