Impacts of Tourism in the Khumbu Region of Nepal (LIC)
- Created by: Caitlinyx
- Created on: 27-04-13 16:30
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- Impacts of Tourism in the Khumbu Region of Nepal (LIC)
- Economic
- Positive
- Tour guide jobs
- Businesses set up for expeditions
- Sherpa wages are good , helps improve family lives
- Negative
- Basic food prices are pushed up by tourists
- Positive
- Social and Cultural
- Positive
- Tourists bringing western food - improves diet
- Schools built and education improved
- Negative
- People have left their homes and traditions to become tour guides
- Not enough male labour on farms
- Many teenagers drop out off school to get jobs in tourism
- Tranditional garments no longer worn
- Many guides suffer serious injuries
- Families breaking up
- Positive
- Environmental
- Positive
- People can see and learn about the local landscape - Mount Everest
- Electricity in more homes - mini-hydro scheme paid by money made from tourists
- Negative
- Many people walking through the environment, damaging and leaving rubbish
- Scare wildlife
- Fuel wood becomes rare and expensive for locals
- Deforestation
- Positive
- Economic
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