Impacts of rising superpowers
- Created by: Amy Brown
- Created on: 10-06-14 21:14
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- Impacts on water, energy, environment and land demand of rising superpowers
- Impact on resources
- Energy- rapid rise in oil prices in 2007 and 2008 leading to oil being pumped out quicker than new reserves can be found = PEAK OIL
- Environment - China and India's ecological footprint may be similar to those of the EU and USA by 2040
- Case Study: China an emerging superpower
- Environmental costs
- China is going through industrial revolution in a compressed timeframe resulting in it being the largest CO2 contributor
- 16 of the top 20 most air-polluted cities
- 2003-air pollution blamed for 400,000 deaths
- 30% of China suffers from acid rain due to emissions from coal-fired power stations
- CO2 emissions in 2006 more than 6.2 billion tonnes
- 70% of China's rivers and lakes are polluted
- Beijing's pollution levels are 3X higher than safe WHO levels
- Social costs
- Rural population still in poverty
- 20% of population live on less than $1 a day
- Child labour used in some factories
- Housing in some parts of Beijing were demolished to make way for Olympic facilities
- During the olympics the authorities banned non-residents from being in the city e.g. beggars
- 1/12th of people rely on the polluted Yangtze river for drinking water
- Although China's stature and power are growing it needs to look to resolve some of the environmental and social costs
- China is one of the few countries trying to tackle their issues e.g. rapidly increasing forest cover
- Environmental costs
- Impact on resources
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