implications of ict
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?- Created by: Charlotte
- Created on: 22-04-13 14:47
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- Implications of ICT
- Ethics
- Code of Conduct
- Voluntary extension of the law
- Sets out expectations
- British Computer Society Code of Conduct
- Public interest
- duty to relevent authority
- Duty to the proffession
- Professional competence and integrity
- ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
- General moral imperatives
- More specific professional responsibilities
- Organisational leadership imperatives
- Compliance with the code
- Code of Conduct
- Protecting data
- Encryption
- Where data is scrambled so that if it is accessed unlawfully, then it is meaningless to the person viewing it.
- uses a cipher to scramble the data and a decipher is required to unscramble the data.
- Intended recipient needs decryption key to decrypt the data, however this can also be intercepted, so public key encryption is used.
- Authorisation
- giving people permission for users to access data
- to gain authorisation, the user must identify themselves.
- read-only: a user is only allowed to read data.
- Create: a user is only allowed to create new data
- Write: A user is only allowed to make changes to the data
- Delete: a user is allowed to delete data.
- giving people permission for users to access data
- Authentication
- used to prove a person is who they say they are.
- Passwords & pins
- Biometric security
- Fingerprint, retina scan, voice recognition - uniquely identifies a person.
- Virus checking & protection
- Virus scan
- only required the first time anti-virus software is installed as a resident shield
- resident shield
- updating software
- a virus is designed to cause deliberate harm to data on a computer and replicates itself so it transfers to as many computers as possible
- Virus scan
- Encryption
- Discuss the need to keep data confidential
- Comply with Data Protection Act in terms of the privacy of information relating to individuals
- Organisational, whereby information is commercially sensitive, such as plans for a new product
- Moral obligation
- people's personal information is snesitive
- Physical security
- surge protection
- devices should be plugged into sockets that include surge protection which will cancel out the surge.
- locks
- putting servers in secure rooms and only those who need access have keys/codes.
- security guards
- check every person that enters the building or placed by the server room.
- flood and fire protection
- server rooms not on thevground floor to reduce flood risk and they should be fire proof so the fire cannot spread to the server room.
- portable security.
- laptops or disks.
- surge protection
- Good methods for managing change
- Communication
- managers need to ensure that the changes are explained clearly to other people within the organisation.
- how will the communication take place,ensure it is done considerately.
- can't be held secret for too long or rumours can spread and make it worese than it is and staff may fear losing their jobs
- managers need to ensure that the changes are explained clearly to other people within the organisation.
- Consultation
- Telling staff the reasons for the change. if they are consulted, they are more likely to support the change
- Participation
- Staff need to be motivated to change and different people require different motivation factors. staff told they will be rewarded for extra work
- Communication
- Change management
- Good change management
- 1) Identify need for change
- 2) Sharing reasons for change
- 4) Implementing the change
- 3) Planning the change
- Staff capability
- retraining may be needed,. Staff will learn new procedures and changes in working practices.
- highly skilled staff 'de-skilled' as the system will perform their previously skilled jobs. Leads to demoralisation of staff.
- Staff views
- staff who have worked for an organisation for a long time will find it difficult to change their working practices.
- Systems
- any new software installed must be fully tested before it is implemented.
- any data needs to be transferred to the new system.
- Equipment
- equipment purchased will need to be capable of completing the tasks its designed for& fit for purpose.
- Accomodation
- equipment purchased needs to be, often in storage. Offices will need to be re-designed to enable the inclusion of any computers etc & cabelling.
- Good change management
- Purpose and activities of professional bodies
- Purpose
- Recognition of experience
- Opportunities for career development
- Enable discussion and collaboration
- Knowledge and information servicces
- Financial benefits
- Disadvantages
- Cost of membership
- Abiding by code of conduct
- extra responsibilities
- work-life balance
- Purpose
- impact of external change:
- Individuals
- Organisation
- Systems
- Explain how to keep data confidential
- choosing a password which is not easily linked to you (not easy to guess
- password of minimum length, so there is a larger combination of characters, making it harder for hackers to crack.
- change passwords regularly and don't give out your password to anyone else.
- lock your computer so that it cannot be accessed without entering your password.
- Ensure nobody is looking over your shoulder when you enter your password,
- Anti-Spyware software installed so malicious software cannot be installed on a computer that would gain access to the data on your computer
- Install a firewallbetween a computer network and the internet/WAN. It will ensure that only data of certain types are allowed into the network.
- hardware/software developments that are changing, or might change the way we live.
- treating injuries or disease
- leisure activites
- nintendo Wii (explain how it enable users to use hand-held movement sensors in 3D & ability to play online over wifi.
- positive impact on physical health and obesity.
- however if the user moves to quickly, the sensor can fly out of their hand and cause damage.
- nintendo Wii (explain how it enable users to use hand-held movement sensors in 3D & ability to play online over wifi.
- the environment
- wireless technologies mean no wires which can be unsightly
- the home
- electronic fridge know whats inside and the user could check what had low stock using a touch screen or laptop
- education
- suggest current use and future use, including advantages and disadvantages.
- freedom of speech and movement
- Ethics
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