Importance of Diet
- Created by: benpearce
- Created on: 16-03-17 19:19
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- Importance of Diet
- Malnourished - A person not eating a balanced diet
- Not eating nutrients in the right proportions can lead to complications
- Obesity
- Can cause type 2 diabetes - stops the body regulating sugar in the body
- Deficiency - When you don't have enough of something
- For example, a lack of iron may lead to amaenia
- Obesity
- Not eating nutrients in the right proportions can lead to complications
- A healthy diet contains the right balance of foods to give the right amount of energy
- Carbohdrates
- Made of simple sugars such as glucose
- The body breaks up carbohydrates using glucose + oxygen to release energy through the process of respiration
- Made of simple sugars such as glucose
- Fats
- Made from glycerol and fatty acids
- Act as an energy store and is also a good insulator, it surrounds important organs keeping them at the right temperature
- Made from glycerol and fatty acids
- Proteins
- Made of amino acids
- Proteins are used to replace damaged cells and make new cells for growth
- Made of amino acids
- Carbohdrates
- Malnourished - A person not eating a balanced diet
- Proteins
- Made of amino acids
- Proteins are used to replace damaged cells and make new cells for growth
- Made of amino acids
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