In search for the American dream Part 1
- Created by: Mahahmad12
- Created on: 02-01-24 13:48
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- In search for the American dream: (1917 -96)
- Political system:
- American constitution: foundation of American law, outline framework of government and basic rights of citizens
- Federalism: combines National government and regional government, Americans believed that government power poses a threat
- To divide Gov. power is to prevent abuse, separation of power
- Executive: carry out the law
- Legislative: creates the law
- Judiciary: enforces the law
- Rise of republicanism:
- Impact of WWII: short sharp economic recession, Wilson believed that presidents should take an active role in law making
- A return to normalcy: BA; hopes for equality, WASPS: hopped things would return to how they were before, Harding defined this as stable steady way of life
- Isolationism: USA had to focus on itself meaning introducing tariffs that favoured US businesses, means cutting back on number of immigrants, not entirely isolationist-helped Europe build economically
- Laissez-faire approach: Wilson was replaced by Harding, the Gov. job was to keep its own spending under control
- Rugged individualism: wanted to allow people to take responsibility for themselves, those who believed in this felt that people were weakened by Gov. support
- First red scare: fear of communist influence, led to arrests of suspected radicals, resulted in suppression of civil liberties
- Weakness of democrats: blamed for loss of life in WWII, no charismatic leader, democrats supports for republicans demonstrating lack of leadership
- Decline of republicanism:,
- Hoover’s reaction to Great Depression: persuaded congress to set up Federal Farm Board to help farmers, despite his efforts to change gov, hoover was blamed for economic crisis,
- Bonus army: veterans were asking for money promised by gov, started to act violently against peace full veterans
- Democrats come to power: 1932: Roosevelt’s offered a New Deal,
- Roosevelt and the New Deal
- What was the New Deal? A plan to save the country from disaster, saw this happening in; reform. Relief and recovery
- How was his achieved? He was very pragmatic, congress had given him lots of power, used power of media and led off the record meetings telling them what was going on and threw them off
- Positives: signed to save capitalism, looking after people’s welfare
- Negatives: spent a lot of money trying to fix unemployment
- Changing importance of presidency: president was expected to be involved forming policy, government was seen responsible for welfare
- Political system:
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