incarnation 3
- Created by: maja.kro
- Created on: 07-05-23 18:15
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- incarnation 3
- st iranaeus
- shows Jesus as fully god and fully human - he wrote that Jesus 'revealed God to men'
- different understandings of the incarnation
- Jesus fully h and fully g
- dei verbum 4
- 'for he sent his that he might dwell among men...'
- god is revealed and speaks through Jesus, bc Jesus is the son of god and brings salvation to all people
- 'for he sent his that he might dwell among men...'
- verbum domini 12
- 'the eternal word became smaller - small enough to fit in a manger'
- the word of god limited himself to a human form, so humans could come to understand God
- 'the eternal word became smaller - small enough to fit in a manger'
- dei verbum 4
- Jesus fully h and fully g
- grace n sacramental nature of reality
- grace - free and unconditional gift of love from God, gives believers the strength to do what God wants, unites the 3 people of the trinity
- sacrament - outward sign of an inward grace
- a sacrament is a sign of gods love
- sacrament - outward sign of an inward grace
- sacramental nature of reality - the world and everything in it is a sign of Gods love, gods presence and love can be see throughout the world
- before the incarnation god was seen as a distant being
- jesus was the ultimate gift from god
- people can see god as a living and active presence
- jesus' spirit is still active and still bringing gods love and presence into the world
- people can see god as a living and active presence
- jesus was the ultimate gift from god
- before the incarnation god was seen as a distant being
- grace - free and unconditional gift of love from God, gives believers the strength to do what God wants, unites the 3 people of the trinity
- the 7 sacraments
- every time Catholics take part in a sacraments they receive more grace and welcome Christ into their lives - they also sanctify a person life
- imago dei and abortion
- luke 1.39 supports the catholic belief that human life begins at the moment of conception
- 'for as soon as i heard the sound of your greeting, the child in my womb leaped for joy'
- luke 1.39 supports the catholic belief that human life begins at the moment of conception
- st iranaeus
- 'life in man is the glory of God'
- 'the glory of God is a human being, fully alive'
- Jesus was the perfect human being, he always followed gods wishes and perfectly displayed all the qualities that God wants people to have
- there he is fully alive and the glory of god - he sets an example for all Christians to follow
- the incarrnation is important becuase Jesus helped humans to come to know god and allowed them to become more fully alive and reveal gods glory
- baptism
- person becomes child of god
- confirmation
- confirm they're a member of the church, faith is strengthened and deepened, power of HS is renewed
- eucharist
- helps them to keep growing in gods love
- marriage
- love of god is active in their lives
- ordination
- commit themselves to god and the church
- reconciliation
- relationship with god is restored
- sacrament of the sick
- gives them strength and forgives their sins
- imago dei - image of god
- CC teaches humans are made imago dei, therefore all life is holy and should be protected
- because human life begins at conception, this protection should extend to unborn fetuses and that's why the CC is against abortion
- CC teaches humans are made imago dei, therefore all life is holy and should be protected
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