Individual Differences
- Created by: Lauren130915
- Created on: 16-02-17 08:18
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- Individual Differences
- Freud
- Little Hans
- Aged 5 when studied but research goes back from when he was 3
- Referred by his dad
- His dad was a supporter of Freud.
- Had weird dreams and fantasies. Had an obsession with his penis
- Horses
- Plumber
- Parenthood
- Only participant studied
- Concluded that he was fixated in the phallic stage and eventually overcame the Oedipus complex.
- Little Hans
- Baron-Cohen
- Based on Theory Of Mind
- Recognize that people can feel different tp what you feel.
- 76 participants. Group 1- 4 HFA 12 AS Group 2 50 normal people. Group 3 10 TS
- People with HFA have an impaired theory of mind.
- Triad of Impairments
- Quasi experiment
- Difficult to replicate
- 4 tasks
- Eyes task
- Strange Stories
- Basic Emotion Recognition
- Gender Recognition
- Based on Theory Of Mind
- Psycho-dynamic perspective
- Psychosexual development
- 5 stages
- Oral,Anal,Phallic,Latency,Genital
- Oedipus complex- boys
- electra complex - girls
- 5 stages
- Free association
- Unconsious mind
- Ice Berg drawing
- Psychosexual development
- What is it?
- Looks at behavior through how we are different rather than how we are the same.
- Strengths
- Higher Ecological Validity
- Collect both qualitative and quantitative data.
- Weaknesses
- Not objective so can be open to bias opinions and conclusions
- Based on concepts that are difficult to test
- Freud
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