individual vs society

  • Created by: belinda
  • Created on: 28-05-14 17:33
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  • Individual vs Society
    • N and Mrs Linde find sense of meaning in their lives through serving others and performing the role society requires of them
      • "Somebody to work for..."
    • Nora learns prioritizing her duty as a wife and mother can't lead to real happiness
      • "first and foremost, I am an individual"
    • K learns he will only achieve happiness through truly reforming himself and regaining personal integrity rather than outward respectability and that society's views of him are meaningless if he doesn't respect himself
      • "Oh, if only I could undo what I've done"
    • A doll's character is determined by its owner according to what functions it is expected to serve, it doesn't have a role in public even small children don't take out their dolls.
    • N's identity is determined by others her only choice is a secret - engagement with the outside world is a form of play and has no sense of responsibility towards strangers including K
      • "almost like being a man"
    • N becomes aware the most private choices have moral implications e.g. Rank
      • "my father;s gay subaltern life"
    • T is neither heroic nor honest enough to make a moral choice instead he opts to appease K while preserving a façade which involves N acting wife and mother
      • "some way...of appeasing him"
    • N can no longer accept t as spokesman for forces in society that have failed her
      • "your religion" pronoun men don't need it.


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