Individuals in the history of medicine
- Created by: alice
- Created on: 30-04-13 12:39
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- Individuals in the history of medicine
- Individual:Robert Koch
- Identified specific bacteria that caused different diseases in the 1870's
- This developed Loius Pasteurs germ theorgy
- Identified specific bacteria that caused different diseases in the 1870's
- Louis Pasteur
- 1)germ theory 1861 2)science and tecnology 1880's -experiments.Made vaccinations for rabbies,cholera and anthrax.This was important as it saved peoples lives.He developed his ideas from Robert Koch
- Paul E and Gehard Doy
- Individual:Robert Koch
- Louis Pasteur
- 1)germ theory 1861 2)science and tecnology 1880's -experiments.Made vaccinations for rabbies,cholera and anthrax.This was important as it saved peoples lives.He developed his ideas from Robert Koch
- Paul E and Gehard Doy
- chemical cures 'magic bullwt' In 1909 Paul E made a 'magic bullet' which cured syphilis Gehard Doy than made another 'magic bullet' that cured blood poisining .The factors that helped are science and technology.
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