inequality in access to technology
- Created by: macks
- Created on: 16-03-16 16:39
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- Inequality of access to technology.
- Backgroud
- GDP of £26 billion Projected to rise to £65 by 2020.
- 50% of the population is below the poverty line.
- Located on a flood plain of the Buriganga river.
- The city is flat and much like Bangladesh, it lies very close to the sea level.
- making it vulnerable to flooding from monsoon rainfall and from tidal surges.
- floods
- after the disastrous floods that struck Bangladesh in 1998...
- Badly affected the Dhaka Integrated flood was set up by national flood action plan.
- this project focused on stuctual measures, such as buildings embarkments and levees to hold back floodwater.
- initially, the plan covered 260km2 of Dhaka, but money ran as out as it could not fund the entire project area.
- so instead it was built for the more desnly populated western areas of Dhaka.
- However in 1998, Dhaka was badly flodded again, water entered through buried sewage pipes and breaching the incomplete floodwalls.
- The ciities pumping stations were inadequate and could not cope with the excess water.
- Cost $200 billino dollars to drain the city and spread disease throughout Dhaka.
- The ciities pumping stations were inadequate and could not cope with the excess water.
- However in 1998, Dhaka was badly flodded again, water entered through buried sewage pipes and breaching the incomplete floodwalls.
- so instead it was built for the more desnly populated western areas of Dhaka.
- initially, the plan covered 260km2 of Dhaka, but money ran as out as it could not fund the entire project area.
- this project focused on stuctual measures, such as buildings embarkments and levees to hold back floodwater.
- this project focused on stuctual measures, such as buildings embarkments and levees to hold back floodwater.
- initially, the plan covered 260km2 of Dhaka, but money ran as out as it could not fund the entire project area.
- so instead it was built for the more desnly populated western areas of Dhaka.
- However in 1998, Dhaka was badly flodded again, water entered through buried sewage pipes and breaching the incomplete floodwalls.
- The ciities pumping stations were inadequate and could not cope with the excess water.
- Cost $200 billino dollars to drain the city and spread disease throughout Dhaka.
- The ciities pumping stations were inadequate and could not cope with the excess water.
- However in 1998, Dhaka was badly flodded again, water entered through buried sewage pipes and breaching the incomplete floodwalls.
- so instead it was built for the more desnly populated western areas of Dhaka.
- initially, the plan covered 260km2 of Dhaka, but money ran as out as it could not fund the entire project area.
- Part two of the Dhaka intergerated flood protection project was to:
- Protect the eastern parts of Dhaka, who suffered the most flood damadge.
- Start to inplement non structural solutions: better flooding forecast and warning. Land use restrictions..
- Improve coordination between agencies responcible for flood protection.
- Badly affected the Dhaka Integrated flood was set up by national flood action plan.
- after the disastrous floods that struck Bangladesh in 1998...
- India, Dhaka.
- Backgroud
- GDP of £26 billion Projected to rise to £65 by 2020.
- 50% of the population is below the poverty line.
- Located on a flood plain of the Buriganga river.
- The city is flat and much like Bangladesh, it lies very close to the sea level.
- making it vulnerable to flooding from monsoon rainfall and from tidal surges.
- Floods.
- Backgroud
- London.
- why protect London?
- population of 7 million people. 12% of the UK's population.
- Major centre for international business and commerice,witht he sixth largest economy in the world as well as procducing 20% of the UK GDP.
- It was also build up alon the floodplains of the river thames estuary.
- what protection does the Thames Barrier do?
- in an event of a flood risk to London, the barrier will put a steel wall right across the river, spanning 52m to prevent access water entenig into the city.
- By 2007, the barrier had been used 103 times to prevent the city flooding.
- How does it work?
- work began in late 1974 and it was operational in 1982.
- the thames barrier is made up from nine concrete islands which contain six opening vessels to pass between.
- the four main gates are 20 metres high and weigh about 3700 tones each.
- there are 50 staff who work to operate the gates
- in order to operate the system effecitley they need realiable information, which is collected from the five monitoring stations along the east coast.
- this information is collected evey 15 mins.
- there are 50 staff who work to operate the gates
- information is also collected on the height of the river, this information is fed into the control tower on south bank and the computer model assess te risk of flooding. If thereis high risk the barrier would be closed.
- this information is collected evey 15 mins.
- Is a new barrier needed?
- It was thoguth to last until 2030.
- in 2005, the Thames Estuary 2100 project (set up by the Enviornmental agency) came to a concusion that Londno would need a new flood barrier.
- Untitled
- why protect London?
- Backgroud
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