Infancy (1-2 years)
- Created by: ellie
- Created on: 19-02-21 11:06
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- Infancy (1-2 years)
- Physical Development
- Gross motor skills develop – the infant can start to control the larger muscles in its body
- Fine motor skills develop – the infant can start to control the smaller muscles in its body
- By the ages of two a infant can usually do things such as walk, hold a spoon and point
- Emotional Development
- During the first two years of life, an infant ‘bonds’ with those who care for it.
- An infant needs to form a strong attachment with its main carer, and to receive loveand affection in a positive way.
- This bond helps to create a sense of security and, influences the infants development
- Social Development
- The early relationships formed in infancy act as a model for future relationships
- By the age of two, an infant has learned a lot about how to interact with others
- At first the main relationship are with the primary carers but then extends tobrothers and sisters, wider family members and others the infant may meet.
- In early infancy, the infant plays alone (solitary play) and is not able to think ofothers.
- By the age of two, the infant can play alongside others (parallel play) and the processof being able to share starts to develop
- Intellectual Development
- A newborn infant tends to respond to the world about them through their senses? By the age of two, its ability to think gas developed hugely: it will be using languageand have the ability to grasp some basic concept.
- The most important part of intellectual development for infancy is the developmentof language
- Physical Development
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