- Created by: Eimear2103!
- Created on: 19-10-22 11:59
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- Infection
- Infection is presence of microorganisms causing damage to body tissue
- Pathogenicity is when it benefits the mircoorganism and harms the human
- Opportunism is benign microorganisms becomes the pathogenic because the decreased human host resistance
- Process of Infection: Colonization, Invasion, Multiplication,
- Opportunism is benign microorganisms becomes the pathogenic because the decreased human host resistance
- Clinical Infectious Disease Process (POV of infected individual): 1. Incubation period, Prodromal Stage, Invasion Period, Convalescence
- Classes of Infectious microorganisms: Bacterial Infection, Viral Infection, Fungal Infection, Parasitic & infection protozoal
- Fever (Pyrexia): Rise in body temperature above the normal i.e oral temperature (37.2)
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