Influences on British Foreign Policy
- Created by: SVG
- Created on: 02-06-15 22:16
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- Influences on British Foreign Policy
- Public Opinion
- didn't want another great war
- Supported the League of Nations
- League of Nations
- negotiate peacefully
- Preserve peace
- Collective Security
- League of Nations
- Collective Security
- Economic Problems
- Couldn't afford a war
- Would lose
- Rearming would damage recovery
- ended free trade
- preferential trade with empire
- Couldn't afford a war
- Appeasement
- public didn't like T of V
- thought Germany should be appeased
- give Hitler what he wanted so he would stop aggresion
- preserve peace
- public didn't like T of V
- Public Opinion
- League of Nations
- negotiate peacefully
- Preserve peace
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