Initiatives in Sport
- Created by: Katie
- Created on: 07-07-13 10:07
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- Initiatives in Sport
- Policies relating to minimum involvement in PE
- Government invested £1.5 billion into this.
- For ages 5-16
- Government said that schools should provide two hours of high quality PE a week.
- "All children, whatever their circumstance or abilities, should be able to participate in and enjoy physical activity and sport."
- Aim - to keep fit and increase fitness in younger generations.
- Stands for PE School Sport and Club Links
- Set up by the government to increase the take up or participation in sporting activities for ages 5-16.
- Aim is to develop and increase links between school and sporting clubs in the hope that children will continue to play and improve at these clubs outside of school.
- Top Link set up for 16 to 19 year olds to increase their participation in sport after leaving school.
- Sport England - Start, Stay, Succeed
- A government agency that is responsible for building the foundations of sporting success.
- Aiming to make England a sporting country and improve the increase of participation as well as the facilities available.
- More variety of clubs available for young people inclyding those between the ages of 14 and 25, as they are wanting this age group more active.
- School Sports Partnership
- These are groups of schools clustered around a PE sports college (although this isn't always the case).
- They recieve additional funding and gain time to work with the surrounding primary schools.
- Youth Sport Trust Tops
- They are passionate about helping all young people to achieve their full potential
- Desgined to give young people and target groups (those with disabilities, teenager girls and gifted and talented students) so they can gain the most from opportunities in PE.
- They work closely with primary schools, secondary school and special education needs schools.
- Policies relating to minimum involvement in PE
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