The Edwardine Injunctions of 1547
- Created by: Vademesta
- Created on: 05-01-14 17:50
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- Injunctions of Edward VI (1547)
- Education
- In Lent ask all at confession if they know the Paternoster, creed and commandments and urge them to do so if otherwise.
- All parents, masters, governors to have care for the religious upbringing of the young
- Shall provide within 3 months a Bible in English, and within 12 months Erasmus` New Testament; and ensure free access to the books
- Every benefice of £100 or more to fund a scholar at a university
- Every holy day where no sermon, must recite the pater noster, creed and Commandments in English to the parishioners so that they learn them
- Chantry priests to teach reading and writing to youths
- Theology
- Iconoclasm
- If any images, idols, pilgrimages previously advised to parishioners to recant and reprove them
- Images to be taken down; no torches, tapers, wax images etc ; only two lights on altar before the Sacrament.
- Remove and destroy all images, and monuments that are accessories to idolatry. Encourage parishioners to do the same
- Anti-Catholicism
- Hinderers of worship and supporters of Rome to be detected and reported
- Shall not encourage pilgrimages or hold out enticements
- Iconoclasm
- Practice
- A parish register to be kept and record wedding, christening, burial; to be weekly updated in presence of wardens of the church.
- Priests
- No clergy to haunt pubs and taverns etc., nor play dice and gambling games
- All clerics to obey the laws against the usurped powers of the pope
- All deans, archdeacons, masters , prebendaries,etc being priests/ministers to preach by himself at least twice a year.
- Minister not bound to visit women in childbirth, or attend on deceased before the corpse brought to the church yard
- Finances
- Tithes must be paid
- Non resident clergy with benefice of more than £20 to distribute 1/40th part to the poor etc
- Manses, churches, chapels etc to be repaired with 1/5th of their benefice until repairs completed
- Provide a strong chest for collection of alms, with instructions on who and how to disburse monies
- Services
- The Sacraments to be properly administered
- Proper and diligent preparation (state of mind and grace) for taking Communion
- Once a quarter, at least, preach on the Scriptures and against fantasies - adoration of idols, pilgrimage
- To preach quarterly against the usurped powers of Rome.
- No change to be made to manner of fasting days, common prayer or other service
- Qualifications on ceremonies, ringing bells, candles etc intercession banned if intention to imply discharge of the burden of sin
- Shall read the provided homilies when no sermon
- The Sacraments to be properly administered
- Churchmen to have New Testament in Latin and English, along with Erasmus`s paraphrase.; bishops to ensure this done and time spent on reading same; services in English and readings from the Testaments made, including comfort for the sick and despairing.
- Holy days to be that with a religious overtone; not on drinking etc. But may labour in times of need eg harvest time
- Simoniacal sale or purchase of a benefice prohibited
- Use of Primers ; all graces at meals in English
- The prime and hours should be omitted from any sermon or homily
- State Affairs
- Once a year read all injunctions made to parishioners
- Kings supremacy preached four times a year
- Education
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