- Created by: Ciaran
- Created on: 03-05-15 15:10
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- Inter-Faith
- Relationships between Christians and people of other faiths
- Christianity and other faiths
- People with faith will have more in common than atheists
- working together could create a campaign to stop poverty and violence
- it is important to get along with your neighbour
- love your neighbor as you love yourself
- Jesus showed love for people of other faiths
- Northern Ireland Inter-Faith forum
- Promote understanding between different faiths
- Show people that there are more than two Faiths in NI
- Schools
- 1993, NI declared Religious Studies to be manily Christian
- 1944 declared all schools had to pray once a day
- Teach more about Other Religions
- Yes
- Community is becoming more diverse
- helps promote tolerance and understanding
- will stop prejudice
- people less likely to offend others due to there religion
- No
- Don't have to learn about a faith you don't believe in
- Confusing to learn so many
- A prejudice teacher will not teach it fairly
- Yes
- Religious Dress
- Yes
- It goes against their religion no to wear items
- should be comfortable to express their identity
- strange to encourage faith in one form and not all forms
- It is discrimination to stop them
- encourages students to rwspect one another
- No
- some items can be a health hazard
- some items are not absolutely necessary
- uniform makes everyone equal
- causes division amongst pupils
- Yes
- Some Christians believe there are many ways to know God. Christianity is just one of them but all of them are valid
- Other Christians think all religions have SOME truth in them. Christianity is the only one that is 100% true
- Community Cohesion
- Having a society that works together to create a better place to live for all
- Saint Vincent De Paul Society
- To enhance the quality of life for those in need
- Provide money, food, clothing, second hand furniture. Crèches. Playgroups. Hostels.
- Youth Link NI
- Promote peace between young people of all religions.
- set up by the 4 main Christian religions
- Corrymeela Community
- a village of many traditions that welcomes all. Important place during the troubles
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