Interactions between body systems
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- Created on: 04-11-21 10:37
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- Interactions between different body systems
- nervous system
- CNS communicates with endocrine system as it secretes hormones
- somatic system interacts with musculoskeletal system to control involuntary movements
- musculoskeletal system would be affected by Osteogenesis imperfecta
- motor neuron disease
- drugs and alcohol
- poor mental health
- eg. depression lessens the release of dopamine
- lymphatic system
- circulatory system drains blood containing waste products so that it can continue and restart the cycle
- rheumatoid arthritis
- Hodgkin's lymphoma (type of cancer)
- endocrine system
- digestive system when maintaining blood glucose levels
- diabetes
- genetics
- excretion getting rid of excess water requires communcation with the hormone ADH which is transported by the endocrine system
- ADH is secreted from the pituitary gland and binds to the connecting duct in the kidneys to made reabsorption happen
- immune system. cytokines (and other essential elements for immunity) are released that help to provide immunity
- cytokines are produced to identify what T helper cells need to be activated
- reproductive system, uses the hormones such as FSH, HCG, LH etc.
- age, pregnancy, stress , medications and environment
- Human growth hormones not being released can cause a lack of growth
- lack of sleep can effect the secretion of hormones
- digestive system when maintaining blood glucose levels
- cardiovascular system
- interacts with nervous system when blood vessels need to vasodilate/vasoconstrict and where the blood needs to go
- nerological system, comminicates
- sickle cell anemia
- poor diet
- leading to high cholesterol and increased blood pressure
- more active lifestyle
- respiratory system
- cardiovascular, the blood transports oxygen throughout the body
- neurological system when performing voluntary breathing as it is controlled in the medulla cortex
- sending signals via the spinal cord
- injury infection, blocked blood supply, compression by a fracture or a tumor could cause disruption to signals, therefore affecting homeostatsis
- sending signals via the spinal cord
- musculoskeletal system required to breathe as the intercostal muscle (and the diagram) must contract/relax to allow for the pressure to increase/decrease when needed
- smoking
- cycstic fibrosis
- illnesses such as COVID-19 and the flu
- immune system
- nervous system as the thymus makes sure that the white blood cells only attack foreign cells
- cardiovascular system, the blood vessels contract and the transport platelets through the blood vessels to create a protective mesh barrier if the skin is broken starts
- vasocontriction is caused by hormone release
- autoimmune diseases, when the body starts to attack its own cells as if they were foreign
- digestive system
- digestive system breaks down the nutrients brought into the body through the mouth, pharynx and oesophagus
- vascular system transports these nutrients to wherever they need to go
- increased blood viscosity (by poor lifestyle choices)
- diet and activity levels
- nervous system
- Emily Power, Micaiah Addae, Sam M and Kish Akinribide
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