History- Paper 1 GCSE - The Peace Treaties
- Created by: Rachel Wallace
- Created on: 30-10-13 15:54
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- International Relations - Paper 1
- The Peace Treaties
- The Big 3
- David Lloyd George
- Britain: Keep Britain happy by punishing Germany.
- Don't punish to harshly, so that we can trade with her in the future.
- Wants peace so that we can trade with other countries.
- Strengthen British Empire by taking Germany's colonies.
- Avoid future wars by not punishing Germany too harshly.
- Woodrow Wilson
- USA: World Peace
- Wants a fair peace treaty.
- Doesn't want to punish Germany too harshly for fear they may seek revenge.
- 14 points - sets out his ideas, e.g League of nations, Self Determination (the right of national groups to rule themselves.
- George Clemenceau
- France: Punish Germany harshly.
- Ensure French security by weakening Germany.
- Get reparations from Germany in order to rebuild France.
- Revenge.
- David Lloyd George
- Treaty of Versailles
- Guilt for war, Armed forces, Reparations, German Territories, League of Nations
- Guilt - Germany had to accept all the blame for starting WW1 and therefore all the compensation.
- Armed forces: restricted. 100,000 soldiers, 15,000 sailors, 6 battleships, No tanks, No planes, No Submarines.
- Reparations: Germany had to agree to pay compensation. Found out it was £6,600 million in 1921. Two years later.
- German Territories: Lost Alsace Lorraine, West Prussia & Posen, Saar and the Rhineland demilitarised.
- League of Nations: League of Nations was created by the treaty. Woodrow Wilson's idea.
- Reactions to the Treaty
- Britain
- Most supported it.
- Lloyd George worried if it was too harsh Germany would seek revenge.
- France
- Wanted it to be harsher (could have split Germany into states.
- Welcomed with enthusiasm by the French
- Pleased Germany was no longer a threat.
- Concerned the treaty was too harsh.
- Believed Germany would want revenge.
- Germany
- Hated it - lost 10% of land and 12.5% of population.
- Humiliating - Limits on army.
- Diktat - had no say so called it a dictated peace.
- Unfair - didn't start the war on their own.
- Got no credit for the change in government.
- Britain
- The Other Treaties
- Austria 1919, St Germain. Military restricted to 30,000. Reparations never paid. Land: Austria-Hungary dismantled.
- Bulgaria 1919, Neuilly. Military restricted to 20,000. Reparations was 2.25 billion francs. Land: lost to Yugoslavia and Romania
- Hungary 1920, Trianon. Military restricted to 35,000. Reparations 200 million gold crowns - never paid. Land: Austria-Hungary dismantled.
- Turkey 1920, Sevres. Military restricted to 50,000. Reparations: none. Land: lost to Greece and Italy. Reversed by Lausanne 1923 after rebellion in Turkey,
- The Big 3
- The Peace Treaties
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