- Created by: geburdon99
- Created on: 14-04-16 11:55
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- Interviews
- Structured interviews are a questionnaire that is given face-to-face
- Structured interviews are like a questionnaire that is given to an individual or a group, with an interviewer present to ask the quesitons
- Structured interviews ask the same question each time, the questions are closed, with set multiple-choice answers
- They give quantitative data
- Reliable
- Interviewer can explain and clarify the questions
- Structured interviews get a higher response rate than a questionnaire
- Can be expensive, as you have to pay for the interviewer
- The interviewer has to follow a list of questions, so they cannot ask for more detail, if they find something interesting
- Unstructured interviews give qualitative data
- Informal, and they have no rigid structure
- Flexible, can be used to find out facts or attitudes
- They're good for researching sensitive topics where the researcher needs to get the respondent's trust
- Open-ended questions, and they give qualitative data
- Valid
- Interviewer needs to have skill so they can extract more detail from the respondent
- Therefore, it may be expensive to hire a highly trained researcher
- Used with smaller samples, which means they aren't very representative
- Takes a long time to write up an unstructured interview, as you have to write down the whole conversation
- Interviewers can have an effect on the respondent's answer
- Hawthorne effect
- Interviewers can give subtle directions to a certain response, without realising that they're even doing it
- Interviewer effects makes the data less valid
- Hawthorne effect
- Becker (1970) argued that an aggressive interview style could actually uncover more honest responses that a participant might otherwise have kept to themselves
- Structured interviews are a questionnaire that is given face-to-face
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