investment model mindmap
- Created by: aryan26
- Created on: 05-02-19 20:11
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- Investment model
- Rusbult et al: developed SET further
- Couples stay together even when benefits outweigh the costs- so must be other factors
- satisfaction
- positive vs negative emotions experienced and how much one partner satisfies the others needs
- comparison with alterntives
- refers to if there is a more attractive alternative an individual might end their current relationship
- investment
- refers to anything that a person has to put into a relationship that would be lost if they left
- can include possessions, children, time and energy
- intrinsic: things we put directly into the relationship- effort, money, self disclosure
- extrinsic: things that are brought to peoples life through the relationship e.g. children, friends and memories
- intrinsic and extrinsic investmetns can be lsot- they conclude bigger the investment=more likely to stay
- maintenance mechanisms
- accommodation: acting in a way to promote relationships rather than keeping tally
- willingness to sacrifice: putting their interests first
- forgiveness: willingness to forgive mistakes both minor and serious
- positive illusions: being unrealistically positive about a partner
- ridiculing alternatives: minimising advantages of alternatives and viewing them in a negative light
- research examining
- research support: Beals and Peplau longitudinal study using married couples over 18 months
- Stability of relationships positively correlated with commitment shown
- Rhahgan& Axsom- studied group of women. all 3 factors identified influence their decision to stay with their partner
- Le& Agneew- meta-analysis of 52 studies, 11,000 ppts. discovered that the factors contributed to commitment and this was a defining feature of long lasting relationship
- research support: Beals and Peplau longitudinal study using married couples over 18 months
- Evaluation
- research support
- explains why people remain in abusive relationships.
- Rusbult& maltz studied battered women. more likely to return to abusive partner if they felt like they had invested something
- can be applied to wide range of experiences which increases ecological validity
- Rusbult& maltz studied battered women. more likely to return to abusive partner if they felt like they had invested something
- majority of research is correlational. this limits the predictive validity s it cannot say what type or *** much investment leads to a long term relationship
- evidence from interviews and questionnaires- unreliable and subjective. but due to the values being subjective this is appropraite
- issues and debates
- oversimplifiedGoodfiend&Agnew: not just what we bring but also plans for the future that count as investments. shows that investment is complex
- no culture bias: Le&Agnew- meta analysis found support across individualist and collectivist cultures. also valid in different subgroups
- support found across cultures which suggests the need for investment and commitment is developed through natural selection
- E.g. parents who are committed mean higher chance of ensuring child's survival thus passing on genes
- supports nature nurture
- E.g. parents who are committed mean higher chance of ensuring child's survival thus passing on genes
- Rusbult et al: developed SET further
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