ireland 1868-1914
- Created by: shannon_gower97
- Created on: 15-03-16 09:36
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- Ireland 1868-1914
- 1868-1874
- Gladstone's mission was to 'pacify Ireland.'
- The irish Church Act 1869
- Gladstone promised to disestablish the Church in Ireland and it brought Disraeli down with the Noncomformist vote.
- Causes
- Liberationists used the anomalous position of the Anglican church in Ireland.
- Attacks on the injustices of the Church came to be channelled against the union itself.
- The house of lords accepted that the electorate had spoken and so acted moderately.
- Terms
- Anglican Church in Ireland was disestablished
- Terms
- The house of lords accepted that the electorate had spoken and so acted moderately.
- Attacks on the injustices of the Church came to be channelled against the union itself.
- Liberationists used the anomalous position of the Anglican church in Ireland.
- Causes
- Gladstone promised to disestablish the Church in Ireland and it brought Disraeli down with the Noncomformist vote.
- The irish Church Act 1869
- Gladstone's mission was to 'pacify Ireland.'
- 1868-1874
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