Islamic Practices
- Created by: Soph-Eliz
- Created on: 25-05-23 12:43
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- Islam: Practices
- The Five Pillars of Sunni Islam
- What is the Shahadah?
- Zakah
- What does this translate to in English?
- How much has to be given?
- What is it used for?
- Sawm
- What does this translate to?
- When does this take place in Islam?
- 'Fast. But whoever of you is ill or on a journey, then ?let them fast after. For those who can only fast with extreme difficulty, compensation can be made by feeding a needy person'
- What issues might Muslims face when practicing Sawm, in Britain and elsewhere?
- Hajj
- What does Hajj translate to?
- Where does Hajj take place?
- What is worn during Hajj and why?
- Describe the steps taken by those on Hajj.
- Describe the story of Ibrahim which Hajj commemorates,.
- Why might someone be unable to undertake Hajj?
- Salah
- How many times a day do Muslims pray?
- What is the purpose of prayer?
- What is the Jummah prayer?
- The Ten Obligatory Acts of Shi'a Islam
- Which of the 5 pillars also appear in the 10 obligatory acts?
- How much is paid for Khums and where should they money come from?
- What is meant by Ambr-bil-Maroof?
- What is meant by Nahil Anril Munkar?
- What is the difference between Tawalia and Tabarra?
- Jihad
- Describe the Great Jihad.
- Describe the Lesser Jihad.
- What did Muhammad say about Jihad?
- Wjhat does Jihad translate to?
- What do these Qur'an teachings show about Jihad?
- 'Fight in the cause of Allah only against those who wage war against you.'
- 'Permission [to fight] has been given to those who are being fought'
- Festivals and Commemorations
- Id-ul-Adha
- When does it take place?
- What do people do to celebrate?
- Id-ul-Fitr
- When does it take place?
- How is it celebrated?
- Ashura
- What does it commemorate?
- How do Shi'a Muslims mark the day?
- Night of Power
- What is it?
- What does the Qur'an say abotu it?
- Id-ul-Adha
- What is the difference between Halal and Haram?
- The Five Pillars of Sunni Islam
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