issues and debates
- Created by: daniela111
- Created on: 01-04-24 17:49
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- issues and debates
- nature vs nurture
- nature - nurture line: bio, psycho, cognitive, humanism, behaviourism
- nature
- Bowlby’s explanation of attachment does not ignore environmental influences. BUT Behaviour that appears to be determined by nature may be determined by nurture!
- nurture
- Empirical evidence shows that behavior is learned. BUT even learning has a genetic basis
- free will vs determinism
- determinism
- environmental -behavourism
- biological -bio
- psychic-psychodynamic
- hard
- soft -cognitive and slt
- scientific and allows cause and effect. BUT suggests criminals can't be held accountable and is reductionist
- free will
- humanistic
- emphasises importance of individual and studying individual differences. BUT is subjective and impossible to scientifically test
- determinism
- nomothetic vs idiographic
- nomothetic
- behaviourism, bio, cognitive, slt
- more scientific, enables us to make predictions. BUT can't apply those to individuals, just groups.
- idiographic
- humanism
- focus on individual. BUT very time consuming
- nomothetic
- reductionism vs holism
- holism
- humanism, psychdynamic
- Looks at everything that may impact behaviour. Doesn't ignore the complexity of behaviour. BUT not scientific and hard to get cause and effect
- reductionism
- bio, behaviourism, cognitive (machine reductionism)
- scientific as requires isolation of variables. BUT over-simplistic - lacks ecological validity. Doesn't address larger societal issues (poverty)
- holism
- gender bias
- alpha bias
- beta bias
- androcentrism
- cultural bias
- cultural relativism
- ethnocentrism
- ethics
- emics
- ethical issues
- beh. real world ap (RWA)- phobia treatment. Animal research
- bio- RWA: drug therapy and psychosurgery. Animal research
- cog- RWA: CBT
- slt: RWA-
- psycho- RWA: psychoanalysis
- humanism- RWA: counselling - client centred therapy
- nature vs nurture
- slt is mainly reductionist
- psychodynamic = both
- kohlberg moral development- generalised findings to women
- freud- androcentric (penis envy) reinforce stereotypes
- ainsworth strange situation doesn't cater for ethnic differences
- eysenck - etic and produces bias: IQ test designed thru european person
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