issues and debates
- Created by: sophiemai
- Created on: 17-04-19 11:18
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- issues & debates
- freewill vs determinsm
- behaviours are due to our own choices vs genetic, fears, society
- biological, environmental & psychic determinism
- eval for free will; 1- mental benifits 2- fMRIs proves different
- eval for determinism; 1- real life application 2- legal system
- behaviours are due to our own choices vs genetic, fears, society
- nature vs nurture
- behaviour due to genetics or environment
- realitive importance - looking at how thay interact
- epigenetics - learnt through envi passed on genetically
- interactionist approach- cannot separate so study interactiosn - e.g. diathesis stress model
- eval or nurture; 1- supporting - learning approach attach, zietburgers bio psy 2 against- MZ twins different
- eval nature; 1- supporting- OCD + SZ genetics 2- against - socially sensitive/ predjudice
- wholism vs reductionism
- looking at the whole picture vs breaking it down into component parts
- biological - genes, environmental stimulus reponse
- levels of explanation ; lower down = more reductionist
- eval holism; 1- some behaviours need all parts to explain, 2- not very scientific
- eval reductionism; 1- real life application 2- over simplification
- looking at the whole picture vs breaking it down into component parts
- idographic vs nomothetic
- looking at the specific individual - no comprision to others vs attempting to create general laws based off large groups of people
- eval idograph; 1- shows all detail possible 2- restricted, cannot genralise
- eval nomothetic; 1- more scientific 2- whole person may be lost
- gender bias
- alpha - exaggerated differnce beta- minimising differences
- androcentrism - norms in society based off men
- eval; 1- serious implications 2- sexism 3- methodology 4- awareness is helpful
- cultural bias
- weird - western educated industrialised rich democrates
- most studies dont accurately rep the population
- Untitled
- freewill vs determinsm
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