Issues and DEbates - gender and culture
- Created by: emmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmma
- Created on: 19-10-21 12:39
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- Gender and cultural bias Issues and debates
- Gender Bias
- Universality-All research is assumed to apply equally to both genders.
- Androcentrism- represents a male world-view in research
- Beta bias-The differences between men and women are minimised.
- Alpha Bias-The differences between men and women are exaggerated
- Gender bias- The differential treatment and representation of males and females, based on stereotypes and not real differences
- Cultural Bias
- Cultural Relativism- Principle regarding beliefs/values in a cultures viewpoint. Practised to judging standards of one's culture.
- Gender Bias
- Beta bias-The differences between men and women are minimised.
- Alpha Bias-The differences between men and women are exaggerated
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