Issues of developing water pathways
- Created by: Amy Brown
- Created on: 08-06-14 11:20
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- Issues of Developing water pathways
- In some areas with a shortage of water one of the solutions is to divert water from one drainage basin to another. However these can produce political risks
- Case Study: The Snowy Mountains Scheme
- Scheme involves 16 major dams, 7 power stations and a network of pipelines and aquifers
- How the scheme works
- Collects water and diverts it so it can be used in power stations to create electricity
- Problems created:
- Creation of storage lakes has destroyed wildlife habitats
- Snowy river flow has fallen to 1%
- Groundwater salinisation results from low flow
- Water scarcity has led to competition between users
- Political fallout meant governments had to restore some of the flow in the Snowy River and invest in water saving projects
- Record drought due to El Nino have used up the water allocations
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