IT Systems
- Created by: emily.ledden
- Created on: 05-05-15 12:11
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- IT Systems
- Spreadsheets
- When are they used?
- Cashflow
- Simple Accounts
- Break-even
- Advantages
- Use formalue to calculate
- Can use visual graphs and charts
- Share information
- Disadvantage
- Need knowledgeable staff
- Staff may make errors in putting data
- When are they used?
- Databases
- When are they used?
- Store & Retrieve customer information
- Store & Retrieve supplier information
- Store & Retrieve employee records
- Stock Control
- Advantages
- Increased productivity
- Records can be found easily
- Buying habits can be monitored
- Disadvantage
- Staff training will be needed
- Systems may crash
- External may be needed to maintain system
- When are they used?
- Word Processing
- When is it used?
- Writing letters
- create simple posters or notices
- To email and attach word documents
- Advantages
- Reduced Waste (paper)
- Professional Documents
- Disadvantage
- Software updates
- Systems may shut down
- Doesn't eliminate the need for proof reading
- When is it used?
- Other Systems
- Electronic Point Of Sale
- Database of stock
- Reordering is done automatically
- Business holds less stock (saves money)
- Electronic Funds Transfer
- Allows customers to pay using credit/debit card
- Electronic Point Of Sale
- Advantages
- Competitive Edge
- Lowers Operating Costs
- Customers can order at their own convenience
- Improved Brand Awareness
- increased visibility through search engines
- Disadvantages
- Website may not work
- May not be secure
- Customer satisfaction will be effected is deliveries take long time to arrive
- May be expensive to train a;; staff
- Spreadsheets
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