James I and religion
- Created by: sanaaah
- Created on: 21-11-15 20:05
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- James I
- Anglicanism
- James is the head of the Church
- Church of England
- Moderate reforms
- Hampton Court Conference
- King James Bible
- Bancroft's Canons
- Arminianism
- Liked James as he allowed ceremony and clerics.
- Bancroft's Canons
- William Laud
- Pro Spanish Policy
- Catholicism
- Accept Hierarchy
- Agree with 'supreme' leader
- Upset because: New laws of 1606
- Forbade Catholics to live near London, practise law, hold office etc.
- Oath of Allegience
- Puritanism
- Hate hierarchy
- Hate James
- Rejection of millenary petition
- King James Bible
- Political: Bancrofts Canons
- introduced ceremony
- Political: Bancrofts Canons
- Hate Monarchy
- Anglicanism
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