James I and policy towards Spain

  • Created by: Lizz2002
  • Created on: 16-10-20 14:08
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  • James I and Policy Towards Spain and the Thirty Years War
    • Outbreak of the Thirty Years War
      • Frederick of Palatinate decided to invade Bohemia. King Ferdinand (Habsburg) of Bohemia had just been named Holy Roman Emperor
        • Ferdinand easily took back Bohemia and invaded Frederick's land, so he and Elizabeth had to flee to Prague
          • Austrian Habsburgs allied with the Spanish Cousins, and the Spanish had just re-entered a war with the Dutch
      • James' Dilemma
        • English public opinion was very supportive of Frederick and Elizabeth, and wanted to get Palatinate back for them
          • James did have the army to invade the middle of Germany
            • MPs urged James to marry Charles to a Protestant
              • However, James believed a Catholic marriage would help get Palatinate through negotiations
                • MPs wanted a naval war with Spain
                  • James knew a naval war wouldn't succeed without money, that MPs would not give
        • He didn't want Frederick to invade Bohemia to begin with, as he feared it would start a war (which it did)
    • The Spanish Match
      • James believed a marriage with Spain could make them get the Austrian Habsburgs to give back Palatinate
        • The Spanish did not want an English marriage that badly
      • Charles and Buckingham in Spain
        • In 1623, Charles and Buckingham go to Spain to try and speed up neogotiations
          • Very little was achieved and they may have offended the Spanish Court
            • The outcome was that Buckingham become determined on a war with Spain
    • End of James' Reign
      • Buckingham pushed for war with Spain, but James only agreed to send a small force to Palatinate
        • James made a treaty with the Dutch in 1924
          • James agreed that Charles should marry Henrietta Maria of France (a catholic) . France was an enemy of Spain
            • Tension with Parliament: MPs wanted war with Spain and granted funds for a navy
              • The expedition to Germany (Mansfeld expedition) was a massive failure as most died on the journey


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