Stalinist Russia - 1924-1953
- Created by: jayde.zoe2000
- Created on: 03-12-18 11:39
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- Joseph Stalin
- Lenin dies 1923
- Wrote letter stating he wanted Trotsky in charge
- Goes on to make Trotsky look bad- like giving him the wrong date for Lenin's funeral
- Got Trostsky out of the party in 1927
- 1929- Stalin undisputed leader of the USSR
- Lenin left a centralised form of government
- Giving foundations for Stlain to form his government on
- Stalin more aggressive than Lenin
- Ideaology
- Lenin's cult help him gain more public support
- Didn't help him gain more supporters
- Had very limited opposition
- Socialism in one country
- Patriotic policy- faith in soviet people
- Adopted marxism-leminism
- Brought in collectivisation and industrialisation ending the compromise of NEP
- Got rid of collective leadership
- Cult of Lenin- make him in to a god- goes against marxist ideallogoy
- NEP- Why did Stalin want it gone?
- Wanted to bring in rapid industrialisa-tion
- War scare: future relations looked bad and USSR needed to be strong enough to defend itself
- 1927-1928 grain production fell and grain requisition was brought back in
- Was only meant to be a temporary solution
- Collectivisation
- Kolkhoz collectives- group of peasants who collected grain
- Set quota- land given away from private owners so farmers can hit their quota
- Grain production was very poor in 1926 only 50% of the expected grain was produced
- Stalin hated the kulaks with a burning passion as they went agaisnt bourgeois ideals
- Dekulakisation
- Led to families being deported
- Dekulakisation
- Stalin hated the kulaks with a burning passion as they went agaisnt bourgeois ideals
- Salin thought the Kulaks were holding back on grain and sent the Cheka and the red army in
- Dekulakisation
- Led to families being deported
- Kolkhoz collectives- group of peasants who collected grain
- 1932-1933- Holomoder Famine, Ukraine
- 7-10 mil dead after Stalin starved them (genocide)
- Blamed famine on poor harvest
- Suggested Stalin wanted cultural independence as wherever Ukrainians died Russians settled in their place
- Secret police went door to door to get every last bit of grain
- Building a communist economy
- Industry nationalised- private business owners banned so the state can set the wages and the working hours
- Stalin made a command economy so the government decided things like what was grown
- Made targets that were unrealistic
- The Stalin constitution
- 1936- Published most democratic constitution the nation had ever seen
- Guaranteed: freedom from arbitrary arrest, freedom of speech and press, right to demonstrate, autonomy for ethnic minorities, employment for all, universal suffrage for all over 18s, free elections and secret ballots
- All marxist policies
- Not upheld and mainly ignored
- All marxist policies
- Guaranteed: freedom from arbitrary arrest, freedom of speech and press, right to demonstrate, autonomy for ethnic minorities, employment for all, universal suffrage for all over 18s, free elections and secret ballots
- 1936- Published most democratic constitution the nation had ever seen
- Heavily used propaganda throughout to keep the people distracted
- The great terror
- Stalin's terror and opposition: Class war fare to force through economic policies, crisis of 1932 Stalin's wife suicide and two groups of Bolsheviks trying to remove Stalin, Kirov's murder, Great purges 1936-1938 (show trials)
- Lenin dies 1923
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