Edexcel: GCSE Jewish Teachings
- Created by: eveattwood
- Created on: 27-02-17 20:24
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- Judaism: Basic Teachings
- Torah
- Five Books of Moses or Pentateuch
- Given at the Covenant of Sinai with Moses
- The Promised Land: Israel
- Promised to the Jewish people at the covenant with Abraham
- Has caused Israeli-Palestine conflict for years
- Orthodox
- Chose to live quite strict lives and follow religious rules closely.
- More traditional, wear a style of unchanged clothing from the 19th century.
- Kosher food rules always kept
- Men & women do not sit together.
- Torah is G-d's word and should not be changed.
- Reform
- Look no different to anyone else
- Men & women have equal worship rules & sit together
- Women can be rabbis too.
- Seek to modernise faith
- Monotheistic
- One of the smallest religious with 13 million followers worldwide.
- Sabbath - day of rest on a Sunday, no work is involved.
- Names for G-d
- Elohim/YHVH (Lord) as a sign of respect.
- They do not utter God's name, God is greater than a name.
- God is beyond gender, Judaism doesn't like to restrict God so use PLURALS.
- Masculine plurals is purely tradition.
- Talmud- 'Oral Torah'/oral laws/traditions past down since Moses and written as the Mishnah & Gemara.
- Yeshiva- Jewish school of Talmudic study.
- Torah
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