Kerala's population policy
- Created by: Supergeek100
- Created on: 29-01-17 11:24
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- Kerala, India Population Policy
- Implemented to reduce poverty.
- India was the 1st LEDC to launch a national family planning programme as early as 1952.
- Kerala focused on social changes to encourage smaller families.
- Its decrease in BR has been the most dramatic in India.
- Kerala's 32 million people make up 3.4% of India's Pop. At 819 people per km squared. Pop. is 3 times the Indian average.
- Growth rate is India's lowest.
- One of the few regions in the developing world to go into stage 4 of the DTM.
- Its GDP is low compared to MEDC's but high against other Indian states.
- Involves:
- Improving education standards & treating girls equal to boys.
- Providing adult literacy classes in towns & cities.
- Educating people to understand the benefit of smaller families.
- Reducing infant mortality so people no longer need to have as many kids.
- Vaccination programmes.
- Providing free contraception & advice.
- Encouraging a higher age of marriage.
- Allowing maternity leave for the 1st 2 babies only.
- Providing extra retirement benefits for those with smaller families.
- Following a land reform programme.
- Land in Kerala was redistributed so that no one was landless.
- No family allowed more than 8ha & everyone had to be self-sufficient. So large families would be at a disadvantage.
- Land in Kerala was redistributed so that no one was landless.
- Today more girls than boys in Kerala go to uni.
- Reading & writing classes are available in villages however remote & are always well attended.
- Most villages have free libraries.
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