Kerala Case Study
- Created by: 10ruddl
- Created on: 10-06-14 19:35
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- Kerala, India Non-Birth Control Policy
- Education
- Female literacy rate has gone up from 50% across India to 90% in Kerala
- Women will choose to have a career rather than many children-birth rate will fall
- Women have a higher status in society now, which means that less female fetuses are aborted, meaning that the gender imbalance in China isn't present in Kerala
- Female literacy rate has gone up from 50% across India to 90% in Kerala
- Healthcare
- Children are vaccinated against major diseases early on
- Likely to live to adulthood-won't need to have so many in case some die
- Hospitals are safer
- More children will live at birth-less need to have many
- Infant mortality is now 12% rather than 65% over the rest of India
- More children will live at birth-less need to have many
- People are often sterilised after having children now, meaning that the number of children in each family averages at about two.
- Children are vaccinated against major diseases early on
- Minimum Wage
- GDP per capita is now 2,950 compared to 460 in the rest of India thanks to the minimum wage
- Trade unions have succeeded in getting better working conditions, which means that some of the work-caused problems such as those caused in clothing factories have gone down in frequency
- Education
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