Key Content: Confidentiality Policy
- Created by: orlamaisie
- Created on: 21-04-22 16:29
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- Key Content: Confidentiality Policy
- Gives service users confidence that their privacy will be respected. This can lead to better relationship between staff and service users
- Therefore, they will entrust information to the service provider which will help them meet the individuals needs ensuring best quality care is provided
- Helps to build trust between service user and provider as they are recognising their right to privacy and dignity. It makes clear when information can be passed on, and sets out procedures for staff to follow
- This is empowering for the service user as the policy requires them to be informed about who their information may be shared with
- Guided by legislation such as The Data Protection Act, storage of service user's information must be compliant with the legislation
- The setting must investigate any complaint regarding a breach
- It also sets out disciplinary procedures if confidentiality is breached, and may result in dismissal and court proceedings against the member of staff where relevant
- The setting must investigate any complaint regarding a breach
- Guides and informs staff regarding rules for maintaining confidentiality so that all staff are clear about their responsibilities e.g. the policy details how to share appropriate information amongst staff on a 'need to know basis'
- This is an essential part of the provision of safe and effective care as service users may be put at risk if those who are providing their care do not have access to relevant, accurate and up-to-date information about them
- Gives service users confidence that their privacy will be respected. This can lead to better relationship between staff and service users
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