Key Content: Safeguarding Adults/Child Protection Policy
- Created by: orlamaisie
- Created on: 21-04-22 19:14
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- Key Content: Safeguarding Adults/Child Protection Policy
- Sets out clear lines of responsibility and reporting so that staff know exactly what to do if they suspect someone in their care is being abused. It requires a designated person to be in place to properly manage the process
- Clearly defines abuse, giving staff a better understanding of what constitutes abuse in order to minimise the chances of it occurring. It also provides details of signs and symptoms of abuse so they can recognise it e.g. patterned bruising. Staff will be aware of their duty to report any suspected abuse taking action to protect clients
- Requires staff to be checked by police and social services in order to avoid exploitation and abuse of children/ vulnerable adults, such as those with learning disabilities. All staff must have Access NI vetting prior to employment, which can protect service users from being care for by inappropriate staff. This promotes a sense of security for service users and their families
- May include aspects of security related to safeguarding e.g. staff must be aware of the need to maintain security procedures on entry and exit to the care setting, locking doors, buzzer access etc, to ensure safety of those using the setting/ nursery from unauthorised personnel
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