Key Content: Special Educational Needs Policy (SEN)
- Created by: orlamaisie
- Created on: 21-04-22 19:04
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- Key Content: Special Educational Needs Policy (SEN)
- All children should have access to a broad and balanced curriculum regardless of their ability. The curriculum should be differentiated as appropriate to meet individual needs
- Requires for all children to be given equality of opportunity to participate fully in school activities. By promoting effective inclusion in the setting, this should help develop children's maximum independence as appropriate to their level of need
- Ensure early identification of special educational needs and therefore the child with learning disability should be able to access the appropriate provision required to help meet their individual needs. This will involve the effective assessment and monitoring of their needs
- All staff are clear of their roles and responsibilities in providing for children's special educational needs and work collaboratively within the setting and also with external agencies/ parents to support children with SEN, promoting the best outcomes for the child
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