Key Content: Whistle-Blowing Policy
- Created by: orlamaisie
- Created on: 21-04-22 16:19
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- Key Content: Whistle -Blowing Policy
- Allows staff to report other staff who are behaving inappropriately in the course of their work and in doing so can protect vulnerable service users
- Acts as a deterrent - staff know inappropriate behaviour may be reported and risk losing their job and so this helps to promote high standards of care
- Standard of care delivered to clients is likely to be higher as poor care could result in whistle blowing
- Helps to eliminate bad practice and poor practitioners and so clients are much more likely to experience appropriate care and treatment
- Provides clear procedures for addressing problems such as poor practice
- Staff are therefore more confident to challenge inappropriate behaviour by others, even those more senior to them, as they know that their concerns made in 'good faith' will be addressed
- Whistle blowers are protected by confidentiality procedures, and therefore are more likely to report bad practice as they do not fear repercussions in the workplace
- Creates a legal obligation for staff to report malpractice so people with learning disabilities are protected from it
- Provides a route for disciplinary action against those guilty of misconduct so they can be dismissed from their job/struck off register
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