Key Individuals in The Development of Medicine
Key Individuals in the development of Medicine through time such as Hippocrates, Vesalius, Pasteur, Koch, Simpson, Fleming, Heatley, Bazalgette and Many More.
- Created by: FS2015
- Created on: 02-03-19 20:39
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- Medicine Through Time: Key Individuals
- 1) Medicine Stands Still
- Hippocrates developed the Theory of the Four Humours
- Galen developed the Theory of Opposites
- Avicenna wrote the 'Canon of Medicine' which was ideas of Galen and Hippocrates
- Johannitius travelled from Baghdad to Byzantium to collect Greek Medical texts.
- Albucasis (Abu al-Qasim) wrote a book on amputations, dental surgery and removing bladder stones
- Avenzoar described the parasite that caused scabies
- Ibn al-Nafis correctly suggested that flood flowed from one side of the heart to the other via the lungs
- King Edward III commented on the disgusting state of the river Thames
- 2) The Beginnings of Change
- Vesalius worked on understanding anatomy. he performed dissections of executed animals.
- William Harvey worked on the heart and discovered that blood circulated around and was not remade
- Ambroise Pare found a new way to treat gunshot wounds in the war. He improved amputations and invented ligatures
- John Hunter found a way to treat aneurysms and worked on venereal disease
- Lady Mary Wortley Montagu promoted inoculation
- Florence Nightingale improved nursing standards, making sure all wards were clean and hygienic
- Edward Jenner created a vaccination for Smallpox, which is now eradicated
- 3) A Revolution in Medicine
- Antoine van Leeuwenhoek invented the microscope in the 17th century
- Louis Pasteur was the first person to suggest that germs in the air caused disease. He published Germ Theory
- Robert Koch linked specific diseases to the particular microbe that caused it such as anthrax, cholera, septicemia and TB. He did this using dyes
- Charles Chamberland injected chickens with accidentally weakened Cholera, then again with fresh pathogens but the chickens still survived
- Paul Ehrlich discovered the first magic bullet- Salvarsan 606
- Humphry Davy identified Nitrous Oxide as an anaesthetic but was ignored at the time
- Horace Wells did a public demo of laughing gas but the patient was unaffected by it and was in pain
- William Morton did a public demo of Ether, which was risky as it is highly flammable
- James Simpson discovered the effects of Chloroform by testing them on himself
- Ignaz Semmelweis showed Chloride of Lime reduced the spread of infection
- Joseph Lister discovered Carbolic Acid killed Germs
- William Halsted invented surgical gloves in 1889
- Edwin Chadwick reported on poverty and health in London
- John Snow showed there was a connection between contaminated water and cholera
- Joseph Bazalgette built new sewers in London
- 4) Modern Medicine
- Wilhelm Rontgen discovered X-Rays in 1895
- William Coolidge invented a reliable X-Ray tube in 1913 called the Coolidge Tube
- Marie Curie developed mobile x-ray units
- Antoine Beclere set up training schools to teach doctors how to use x-ray equipment
- Karl Landsteine discovered blood groups which led to more successful blood transfusions
- Harold Gillies set up a plastic surgery unit for the army in WW1
- Alexander Flemming discovered Penicillium Notatum mould
- Ernst Chain devised a freeze drying technique which was important in the purification process
- Howard Florey made a team to purify penicillin
- Norman Heatley developed the back extraction technique for efficiently purifying penicillin in bulk
- Arthur Gordon Sanders operated the penicillin extraction plant
- Christiaan Barnard carried out the first successful heart transplant
- Antoine Henri Becquerel, Marie Curie and Pierre Curie's discovery of radiation led to the creation of radiation therapy
- Charles Booth 'Life and Labour of the People in London' showed how many Londoners were living in Poverty
- Seebohm Rowntree 'Poverty, a study of Town Life' showed 28% of people in York couldnt afford basic food and housing
- When Boer War broke out in 1899 40% of volunteers were physically unfit
- David lloyd George realised he had to take action against poverty and ill health
- William Beveridge said the government has a duty to care for all its citizens
- Aneurin Bevan introduced the National Health Service
- 1) Medicine Stands Still
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