Key Media Theorists
- Created by: Eleanor_kittle
- Created on: 10-02-19 12:41
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- Key Theorists
- Media Representations
- Stuart Hall
- Media language is used to create representations. Stereotyping is often used to assert power
- Lisbet Van Zoonen
- Men and women are represented differently in the media. Women are objectified as result of Western culture
- David Gauntlett
- We use the internet and other media texts to help us to create our identity. We now have more of a variety of representations to identify with
- bell hooks
- Feminism is a political struggle to end patriarchaldomination. Other factors affect this domination, including race and class
- Judith Butler
- Gender is a social construction. 'Masculine' and 'Feminine' are created through representation
- Paul Gilroy
- Even though we no longer have colonies, the per presentation of these groups is still affected by this time
- Stuart Hall
- Media Language
- Roland Barthes
- All elements of a media text are codes that need to be read. These can all be understood as the thing they are (denotative level) and the responces they create (connotative level)
- Steve Neale
- Genre is recognised usable but does change over time or borrow from other genres. Genre is important to institutions because it helps them to market texts
- Tzvetan Todorov
- Narrative follows a pattern of equilibrium--> disruption --> new equilibrium
- Claude Levi-Strauss
- The conflict between binary oppositions drives forward the narrative
- Jean Baudrillard
- The lines between created texts and reality are becoming blurred. Hyper- Reality
- Roland Barthes
- Media Industries
- Livingstone and Lunt
- Who is regulation for? Can regulation keep up with new technology?
- Curran and Seaton
- If we had more of a variety of media companies we'd have more of a variety of texts
- David Hesmondhalgh
- Industry uses tried and tested strategies to appeal to us - but we should be concerned that only a few companies hold a lot of power
- Livingstone and Lunt
- Media Audiences
- Albert Bandura
- If an audience sees aggressive behaviour they are likely to mimic it. ( This theory is often over simplified and criticised)
- George Gerbner
- The more we see the same representations and messages the more we believe they are true
- Stuart Hall
- Producers want audiences to respond in particular ways to a text. Some audiences do (preferred),some don't (oppositional), some are in the middle (negotiated)
- Henry Jenkins
- The internet has allowed fans to gather and create their own texts and easily share their work. Instead of just consuming the texts, audiences are creating them
- Clay Shirky
- We are now more likely to use the internet and other technologies to respond to texts, including creating our own
- Albert Bandura
- Media Representations
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