Key Quotes ACT 3 AIC
- Created by: Nicole18jc
- Created on: 05-03-19 09:40
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- Key Quotes from Act 3
- "you're not the kind of father a chap could go to when he's in trouble" EB
- "you don't understand anything. you never did. you never even tried-" EB
- "there are millions and millions of Eva Smiths and John Smiths" IG
- "there's every excuse for what both your mother and I did" MB
- "I was the only one of you who didn't give in to him" MRSB
- "and I say the girl's dead and we all helped the kill her-" EB
- "they'll soon be asking for the earth" MB
- "we are members of one body" IG
- "each of you helped to kill her" IG
- "they will be taught in fire and blood and anguish" IG
- "she was pretty and a good sport" EB
- "but I didn't know it was you" MRSB
- "that's enough Sheila" MB
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