History GCSE
- Created by: TCadman
- Created on: 11-04-18 17:59
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- Key Statistics
- Conflict and Tension in Asia 1950-1975
- Development of the Korean War
- Causes of the Korean War
- USA and USSR were in cold war
- Truman Doctrine - USA would help countries threatened by comunism
- USA put $2 Bn to help Chinese nationalists. 1949 - china became communist
- Japan used to rule, then when yielded in 1945, Korea was split along the 38th parrallel.
- South - Syngman Rhee
- North - Kim Il Sung
- 1950 - North Korea invaded South - Except Pusan
- USA got UN to support south. they could because china was blocked in 1949.
- 18 Countries provided troops
- UN forces landed in Inchon - south Korea pushed from Pusan
- Pushed back to Yalu river - Mao Zedong warned them...
- October 1950 - 200,000 People's Volunteers pushed UN back, tanks USSR
- Jan 1951, driven out of Seoul
- UN retook Seoul, pushed volunteers back to 38th parrallel
- Development of the Korean War
- MacArthur Wanted to go further, Truman wanted to Contain. MacArthur Fired - April 1951.
- UN retook Seoul, pushed volunteers back to 38th parrallel
- Jan 1951, driven out of Seoul
- October 1950 - 200,000 People's Volunteers pushed UN back, tanks USSR
- Pushed back to Yalu river - Mao Zedong warned them...
- USA got UN to support south. they could because china was blocked in 1949.
- Ending the Korean War
- Never Unified.
- Peace talks - June 1951, 1952
- Stalin Died March 1953
- UN
- Demonstrated Effectiveness over predecessor
- Only able to act because USSR was bye bye
- Lost 30,000 Troops
- Proved Containment Worked
- Millitary Spending from $12 Bn to $60 Bn
- China
- Demonstrated it was a world superpower.
- Closer with USSR
- Had Korea as Buffer state
- 500,000 casualtes
- Trade with USA died
- Lost tanks and stuff
- Had aa Communist north Korea
- Korea
- 1.3 Mn casusalties
- Industry and Agriculture Destroyed
- Korea wasn't united, melts
- No clear winners
- SEATO 1954 - anti commy
- Untitled
- The end of French war in Vietnam
- Viet Minh - Ho Chi Minh, anti-french
- Formed National Liberation Front to fight Diem. AKA Viet Cong
- 20,000 Viet Cong in south Nam
- 1960s 100,000 troops and controlled parts of South nam
- 1945 Viet Minh tried to take over Hanoi.
- 9 Yrs of war
- $500 Mn per yr from US to France for Nam
- Dien Bien Phu - france lost big time, 8,000 troops killed. France ran away 1954
- Geneva Agreement - Split nam into north and south over 19th parallel.
- Meant to be a democratic election in 1956
- South nam leader was President Diem from 1954. - evil dictator man.
- Bullied Buddhists
- Killed by his won troops in 1963
- Viet Minh - Ho Chi Minh, anti-french
- Increasing US involvement in Vietnam
- Eisenhower 1953 - 60 Wanted to stop the spread of Com in Nam
- He sent $1.6 Bn to south Nam 1954-60
- Johnson
- August 1964 - Gold of Tonkin Incident
- Gulf Of Tonkin Resolution - allowed him to "take all necessary measures"
- 1965 - Operation Rolling Thunder
- March 1865 3,500 US marines landed in Da Nang
- August 1964 - Gold of Tonkin Incident
- Kennedy 1961 - 63
- sent 11,000 US advisors.
- Strategic Hamlets and stuff.
- Eisenhower 1953 - 60 Wanted to stop the spread of Com in Nam
- War in Vietnam under Johnson
- North Vietnam - Guerrilla Warfare
- Soldiers had no uniform or base, they were indistinguishable from local civilians.
- Booby traps: - Bamboo spike pits - explosives like Bouncing Betty
- 11% of US casualties were from traps.
- 51% of US casualties were from ambushes
- Us were unpopular with the locals because of strategic hamlets and stuff. Viet Cong helped civilians
- They could be ruthless though, they killed 27,000 civs for working with the government.
- 4,000 Vietnamese worked to keep the Ho Chi Minh trail running.
- Fire fights, close combat ambushes, prevented US airstrikes.
- Tunnel complexes, hard to be hit by airstrikes, hidden, hard to raid.
- US tactics
- Bombing runs - They targeted towns and the Trail, they were not very effective.
- Search and Destroy - My Lai Massacre was a s&d mission gone wrong where 400 civs were killed. 1968
- $400,000 per viet cong
- 14,000 Us planes/helicopters were shot down.
- US problems
- 14,000 Us planes/helicopters were shot down.
- The US couldn't launch attacks into neighboring countries such as Laos/Cambodia
- from 1967 more Americans were drafted - 500,000 deserters.
- Fragging - troops killing their own offisers because of low morale
- they lost the support of the locals because of their destructive tactics.
- North Vietnam - Guerrilla Warfare
- Nixon and Vietnamisation
- 1968 tet offensive against 100 cities
- 10,000 Viet Cong Killed.
- People at home questioned the war because the communists launched this big of an attack
- Paris Peace Talks May 1968.
- Nixon - Peace with honour
- Vitenamisation
- Obv wouldn't work
- sept 1969 Secret peace talks.
- 25,000 troops withdrew June 1969, 35,000 sept
- Nixon didnt want to look weak, so he ordered troops to invade Cambodia
- Us supported Loas invasion
- 400,000 troops withdrawn by 1971.
- bombing increased in -1971- operation linebacker
- 1968 tet offensive against 100 cities
- Opposition to the Vietnam war
- Military Assistance Command, Vietnam - allowed the media provisional access to show stuff.
- Known as the first Media war
- 1964 - 1968 only 3 journalists had their licences revoked.
- From 1967 the reporting was negative
- New lightweight cameras meant war zones could be filmed showing America the badness of war
- Walter Chronkite Called the war unwinnable - 1968
- WalPresident Joshnson said he lost the support of the aveerage American
- Military Assistance Command, Vietnam - allowed the media provisional access to show stuff.
- The end of the war Nam
- 2 yrs after USA left, SV fell.
- Nixon Watergate scandal
- Saigon Captured in April 1975.
- 5 mn VN forced out of homes.
- 50,000 boat people killed escaping.
- Agent Orange killed environment
- Soldiers Struggled to settle back in.
- Drug abuse and PTSD in soldiers
- Elizabethan England 1568-1603
- Elizabeth's character and court life
- Ruled from 45 yrs from 1558 - 1603
- Mother Anne Boleyn, bro Edward, sis Mary
- Cecil - Chief minister.
- Dudley - noble, Elizabeth's favourite.
- Walsingham - Spy Master
- Elizabeth and Parliment
- Suitors for her were:
- Robert Dudley - UK
- King Philip - spain
- Duke Francis - France
- 1601 - Earl of Essex rebellion
- Northern Rebellion 1569
- Suitors for her were:
- The Elizabethan "Golden age"
- Gentry became richer and more powerful.
- Great Rebuilding because showed power.
- Theaters became popular after the law in 1572 to licenced actors
- Globe was built in 1599, the first built in 1576.
- Puritans didn't like theatre because it was associated with paganism
- Poverty: attitudes and responses
- 1/2 of England's population was labouring poor.
- 80% of Labouring Poor's income was spend on food and drink.
- Pop grew by 43% from 1550 to 1600
- 1601 Poor law - Almshouse for deserving poor. House of correction - Undeserving poor..
- English Sailors
- Drake circumnavigated world, cousin was Hawkins
- Drake Circumnavigated in 1577-80
- Drake Returned with £ 200,000,000
- Became vice admiral.
- east Indian Company set up in 1601
- Religeon
- May 1559 act of supremacy and act of uniformity.
- Religious settlement know as the middle way
- Arch Bishop of Canterbury lost job because didn't close down puritan meeting prophesying
- Will Stubbs hand cut off for criticising queens response
- 1568 Mary, Queen of Scotts came to England
- 1568 Seminary set up to train missionary priests
- Northern Rebellion 5000 Rebels. Northumberland was executed and 500 rebels/.
- Papal Bull - 1570
- Mary Queen of Scotts
- May 1568 She fled to Cumberland, after allegations she killed her husband..
- Pope Excommunicated Elizabeth
- Ridolfi Plot 1571.
- Babington Plot 1585 led to her execution.
- Executed in February 1587
- Spanish Armarda
- Caused because of Mary Queen of Scotts death
- 130 Ships left Spain in July 1588.
- 60 Ships returned.
- Battle of Gravelines
- 1000 Spanish killed, 8000 wounded, 50 English killed.
- Armarda Portrait was propoganda after the wart.
- Harwick Hall
- "Hardwick Hall More glass than wall"
- Elizabeth's character and court life
- Health and the people
- Medieval
- Medicine
- Doctrine Of Signatures - said god created illness, guided doctors.
- Zodiac Charts dictated treatment and operation times.
- Doctors used urine charts
- Hippocrates - stressed clinical observation. Theory of 4 humours.
- Bloodletting.
- Galen - dissected animals, believed we had the same anatomy as pigs.
- Church supported because design theory.
- People believed god sent illness
- Church banned human dissection.
- Roger Bacon Imprisoned for advocating scientific research.
- Islamic medicine.
- Avicenna - cannon of medicine.
- Islamic hospitals trained people.
- Warfare
- Arrow cup - removes arrows.
- Improved Ointments - Arderns painkillers.
- Public health
- raising taxes was unpopular.
- Bath houses were available to those who could afford them.
- Monasteries
- Kitchens separated from privies
- Planned water supply
- Bathing was compulsory
- Black Death 1348-49
- Beliefs were - astrology, punishment from god, minority groups (Jews poisoned water), miasma
- Flagellants whipped themselves to not get the plauge.
- King and bishops left London.
- Medicine
- Renaissance
- Key People
- Vesalius - anatomy
- 1543 - De Humani Corporis Fabrica
- Pare - surgery
- Used Ligatures instead of cauterisation
- 1575 Les Oeuvres
- Harvey - Circulatory system
- Doctor to king James 1 and Charles 1
- Vesalius - anatomy
- Printing press invented - new ideas spread quickly
- Great Plague 1665
- Plague doctors.
- Watchmen - quarantined houses.
- People Prayed- religion less prominent.
- More hospitals
- 1741 Thomas Coram opened a children's hospital.
- John Hunter encouraged practitioners medical observation and experimentation.
- Edward Jenner
- Inoculation - risky and unreliable
- 1721 - Lady Montague made it fashionable.
- 1798 Published findings
- 1802 - $10,000 grant.
- 1853 - Vaccination compulsory.
- 1802 - $10,000 grant.
- Inoculation - risky and unreliable
- Key People
- Industrial Revolution
- 1861 Pasteur germ theory.
- Koch specified bacteria by staining them.
- Ehrlich - 1910 First magic bullet.
- Magic bullet targeted specific germs
- Ehrlich - 1910 First magic bullet.
- Koch specified bacteria by staining them.
- New inventions
- X-ray - 1895
- Stethoscope - 1816
- 1847 Simpson developed anaesthetics.
- Used chloroform instead of ether.
- Queen Victoria used it in childbirth 1853 and it became mainstream.
- 1870 stopped using because did not reduce mortality rates.
- Lister used antiseptic in 1867
- 1854 - snow proved cholera was caused by infected water
- Reforms
- 1848 - Public Health Act
- 1875 - Public Health Act, compulsory
- 1864 - Factory Act
- 1866 - sanitary Act
- 1875 Food and Drug act
- 1848 - Public Health Act
- 1861 Pasteur germ theory.
- Modern
- 1928 - Fleming discovered properties of pencillin
- 1937 Florey and Chain researched penicillin
- 1941 - tested on human. used in WW2 1942
- Pharmaceutical industry booming after 1945
- 1941 - tested on human. used in WW2 1942
- 1937 Florey and Chain researched penicillin
- WW1 mobile x-ray and blood transfusions
- Keyhole surgery and laser techniques make operations easier.
- 1961 First pacemaker.
- 1928 - Fleming discovered properties of pencillin
- Medieval
- America, 1920-1973
- The Economic Boom
- 1927 - 1 car per 10 secs
- 1923 - Ford created moving assembly line
- Social and cultural developments in the 1920s
- 1920s - 11.1% wage increase
- 1929 - 10 million women in work 24% increase
- 1921 - 1 radio station... 1922 508 radio stations
- Jazz and flappers
- Women could vote - 1920
- A divided society
- Racial Tension
- Prohibition
- Temperance movement - Christian anti-alcohol group
- Banned -Volstead Act 1920
- Speakeasies -Illegal bars
- Bootleggers - smuggled alcohol
- Chicago - 130 murderers - no arrest - 1927-8
- St Valentine's Day massacre - 1929
- Prohibition Repealed in 1933
- American Society and the Depression
- 1929 Stock Market Carsh
- 1931 - 238 people hospitalised for malnutrition
- Food demand $10 B - $3 B 1929 - 1932
- Hoover -> Roosevelt in 1932 by 7 M
- The New Deal
- Federal Emergency Relief Admin
- HOLC - helped 20% of Americans mortgages.
- CCC - 2.5 M young men work
- The impact of the Second World War
- Recovered from Depression
- Lend lease - send weapons to American Allies. $10 B
- General Motors +750,000 new workers
- US army 1M Af Americans
- 35 - 50 % 1941 - 1944 women in work
- Post-War Society
- Av earning 3X UK
- 1948 >1% of homes owned TV 10 y later 83%
- Rebel Without A Cause James Dean
- McCarthyism
- Civil Rights Campaigns
- 1955 Rosa Parks
- Brown V board of education
- Buss boycott 65% decrease
- Jim Crow Laws Removed
- Malcom X nation of Islam
- 200,000 B 50,000 W attended March on Washington 1963
- Civil rights act 1964 and 1968
- Votinh Rights act 1965
- The Great Society
- JFK New Frontier 1961 -1963
- Increased min wage
- Johnson Great society 1963 - 1969
- Medicare
- Women Equal Rights
- 1963 Equal pay act
- 1973 Roe V Wade abort legal
- JFK New Frontier 1961 -1963
- The Economic Boom
- Conflict and Tension in Asia 1950-1975
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