- Created by: Bethan3
- Created on: 22-04-16 17:38
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- Keywords
- Physical Geography
- WEATHER - day to day changes in the atmosphere
- Coasts
- DESERT IFICATION - climate of dry region becomes drier.
- GULLY EROSION - erosion of soil by heavy rainfall
- Ecosystem - community of plants and animals, environment
- Rivers
- Urban
- Planning
- Urban
- Urbanisation
- Access to Services Changing Provision
- Quality of life - happiness and contentment / housing
- Uneven Develop ment
- Employment
- Interdepend ance - complex pattern of trade, communication
- Development
- Water
- ABSTRACT TION - removal of water from rock / surface
- Environment
- ACID RAIN - caused by pollution unnatural acidic
- LEACHING - removal of nutrients by rainwater
- ACID RAIN - caused by pollution unnatural acidic
- Rural
- Physical Geography
- ADULT LITERACY- % who can write / read
- AVERAGE LIFE EXPECTANCY- age to which people live
- BACKWASH - flow of water returning to the sea
- BIOFUEL - crops used a fuel for heating
- EMISSION - chemical releases into the air
- BROWN FIELD SITE - site where older building demolisedbefore renovation
- GENTRIFIC ATION - run down area improved and becomes desirable
- Urban
- GREEN BELT - policy to prevent the spread of cities
- CANOPY - upper layers of a first
- CLIIMATE CHANGE - A long term change in weather (humans natural)
- Comparison GOOD - items bought less often (TV)
- CYCLONE - a severe low pressure systems
- DEPRESSION - low pressure system wind and rain 970 - 990 mb
- DEBT FOR NATURE - agree to stop logging for money
- RURAL DE Population- loss of people and low birth rate in rural areas
- DEPRIVATION - to lack some basic need education security equality
- DISPLACED - people losing home due to conflict
- DUMPING- selling goods abroad cheap. Steel from China
- ECONOMIC MIGRANT - moves to find work
- ENVIRON MENTAL REFUGEES - forced to leave home due to disaster
- ESTUARY -Tidal part of a river where enters the sea
- FORMAL JOBS - regular wage and controlled by the state
- FREE TRADE - trade without limits
- LONGSHORE DRIFT - movement material along a beach / coast
- HARD ENGINEER ING - working against natural processes
- HYDRO LOGICAL CYCLE - flow of water through surface and atmosphere
- INFILTR ATION - movement of water into the ground
- INFORMAL SECTOR - irregular jobs, recycling to chores
- INFORMAL SETTLEMENT - homes where households have no legal right to live, tenure. Shanty Towns
- INNER URBAN - central older part of city
- KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY - jobs requiring large education
- LAG TIME - time from peak rainfall to peak discharge
- FLOOD - when a river exceeds it bankfull discharge
- LEDC - less Economically DEvelopedCountry
- LEVEES - banks on either side to contain flow
- LOAD - sediment carried by a river
- LOCAL DEVELOP MENT FRAME WORK - planning document for local areas after talking to locals (Consultation)
- MANUFACTURING - making products from raw materials
- MECHANISATION - increased use of machines
- MICRO CREDIT - money given to people too poor for a bank loan to start a business
- MEDC - More
- MULTI LATERAL AID - involves aid from more then one country
- NET OUT MIGRATION - a general movementpeople out of an area. More leave then arrive
- NON GOVERN MENT ORGANI SATION - Water Aid charity to help people
- NUTRIENT FLOW - flow of nutrients from one store to another
- NUTRIENT STORE - place that store nutrient such as vegetation and soil
- OVER ABSTRACT TION - more taken out ten replaced lead to drought
- OVERLAND FLOW - water that flows over the ground surface
- PASTORAL FARMERS- farmers who graze animals
- POSITIVE MULTIPLIER EFFECT - positive chain off event triggers by new job in area
- POST GLACIAL REBOUND - rising of earth crust after glaciation (Ice on it)
- POVERTY LINE - A level of income below which you are poor.
- PRECIPITATION - all forms of water moving from the sky to the ground
- WATER STRESS - severe water shortage after drought
- PRIMARY HEALTH CARE - first health immunisation
- PRIMARY - raw material foods stuffs
- TERTIARY - services
- PRIVATE SECTOR - work for themselves or a company not controlled by government
- PULL FACTORS - reason to move home
- RAIN SHADOW - area located on the leeward side of mountain and have low rainfall
- LEEWARDSIDE - down wind
- WIND WARD - side faces into the wind
- RAIN WATER HARVEST ING - collecting rainwater for use from a roof
- Regional DEVELOP MENT FRAME WORK - plans in a region for roads, houses schools
- RELIEF RAINFALL - precipitation caused by mountains forcing air to rise
- REMITENCES - money sent back to home areas by migrants
- REPOSSESS SION - loss of home to the bank
- RETREAT - movement back of the land due to erosion
- SAHEL - region of North Africa south Sahara desert
- SAVANNA - ecosystem grasslands seasonal wet and dry
- SEDIMENT - material carried in water (river / sea)
- SELF EMPLOYED - people wh work for themselves
- THRESHOLD POPULATION - Minimum people to make a business viable
- SOCIO ECONOMIC - mix of social and economic
- SOLUTION - dissolves rock
- STANDARD OF LIVING - relative wealth
- STORM SURGE- surge in the tide due to low pressure weather coastal flooding
- SUSPENSION - time sediment and silt carried in water flow
- SALTATION - bouncing of sediment
- TOMBOLO - landform like a spit but connects coastline to an island
- TRADIING BLOCS - trading partnerships between countries
- TROPICAL RAIN BELT - ITCZ zone with lots of rain in tropics
- TUNDRA - ecosystem the arctic regions
- URBAN MICRO CLIMATE - climate in city influencedby building and traffic
- WAVE CUT NOTCH - slot of rock with overhanging rock cut into the cliff by wave action
- WAVE CUT PLATFORM - rocky shelf in front of a cliff
- WATER STORES - place where water kept
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