Kidney Structure
- Created by: danpurdy1
- Created on: 12-09-17 22:16
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- Kidney Structure mindmap by Daniel Purdy
- Mammals have two kidneys
- Found at the back of the abdominal cavity (one each side of the spinal cord)
- Mammalian kidney made up of:
- Fibrous capsule
- An outer membrane that protects the kidney
- Cortex
- A lighter coloured outer region made up of renal (Bowman's) capsules
- Contains nephrons
- Medulla
- A darker coloured inner region made up of loops of Henle
- Contains nephrons
- Renal pelvis
- A funnel-shaped cavity that collects urine into the ureter
- Ureter
- A tube that carries urine to the bladder
- Renal artery
- Supplies kidney with blood from the heart via the aorta
- Renal vein
- Returns blood to the heart via the vena cava
- Fibrous capsule
- Structure of the nephron
- The functional unit of the kidney
- Narrow tube which is closed at one end up to 14mm long
- Two twisted regions separated by a long hairpin loop
- Each nephron is made up of:
- Renal (Bowman's capsule)?
- It is cup-shaped and surrounds a mass of blood capillaries known as the glomerulus
- The inner layer is made up of specialised cells called podocytes
- It is cup-shaped and surrounds a mass of blood capillaries known as the glomerulus
- Proximal convoluted tubule
- A series of loops surrounded by blood capillaires
- Walls made up of epithelial cells which have microvilli
- A series of loops surrounded by blood capillaires
- Loop of Henle
- A long, hairpin loop which is surrounded by blood capillaries
- Distal convoluted tubule
- A series of loops surrounded by blood capillaries
- Walls made up of epithelial cells
- Collecting duct
- A tube which allows nephrons to empty
- Lined epithelial cells
- Renal (Bowman's capsule)?
- Number of blood vessels associated with each nephron
- Afferent arteriole
- A tiny vessel and supplies the nephron with blood
- Glomerulus
- Branched knot of capillaries
- Efferent arteriole
- A tiny vessel that leaves the renal capsule
- Blood capillaries
- They reabsorb mineral salts, glucose and water
- A complex network of capillaries surround the kidney
- Afferent arteriole
- Mammals have two kidneys
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