Killer Queen
- Created by: castielhowlter
- Created on: 14-12-17 15:03
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- Killer Queen
- Dynamics
- Fade out at end
- Rhythm
- Rhythmic syncopated motif (Recommended at the price)
- Staccato-like quavers mostly in piano part (eg bar 30-31) 31 becomes a mixture of quavers and dotted crotchets
- Pitch
- Vibrato between octaves (bar 24, start of electric guitar solo)
- Sound/silence
- Quiet beginning and fade out at end
- Melody
- Chromatically descending bass line in electric guitars (bar 7)
- Circle of fifths (Recommended at the Price) and it is also a descending harmonic sequence
- Instruments
- In order: Finger clicks, Vocals (mezzo soprano), Piano, Electric Guitar, Drums, Bass guitar, Backing vocals
- Tempo
- 12/8. Changes to 6/8 (e.g bar 10)
- 112 dotted crotchets per minute
- Texture
- Melody and Accompaniment
- Begins mostly homophonic. Bar 31 becomes slightly more polyphonic
- Harmony
- Intro alternates between Cm and Bb7 chords
- 4 part harmony on 'Killer Queen"
- Dynamics
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