- Created by: Wonderwic
- Created on: 06-05-15 09:34
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- Kohlberg
- Pre-conventional Morality
- Obedience and Punishment Orientation
- The child is rewarded for being good
- The child is good to avoid punichment
- The child is punished for being bad
- The child is good to avoid punichment
- The child is rewarded for being good
- Individualism and Exchange
- Children realise there is not just one right view
- Different individuals have different viewpoints
- Obedience and Punishment Orientation
- Conventional Morality
- Good Inter-personal relationships
- The child is good so other people see them as good
- They behave to gain the approval of others
- Maintaining the social order
- The child becomes aware of the wider rules of society
- Obeys rules to uphold the law and avoid guilt
- Good Inter-personal relationships
- Post Conventional Morality
- Social Contract and individual rights
- The child becomes aware that rules/laws exist for the good of the population
- The child realises that the rules/law may at times work against an individual
- Universal Principles
- People at this stage has developed their own set of moral guidelines which may or may not fit the law
- The person will be willing to fight for their views even if it means going against society
- Social Contract and individual rights
- Pre-conventional Morality
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