korean war

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  • Korean War
    • North Korea attacked South Korea with the unification of the country in mind
      • The US saw this as an act against capitalism and sent troops there to fight back communist North Korea
        • MacArthur led the troops into victory but he took it too far and wanted to attack china.
          • China were afraid and sent troops down to north Korea to push the US forces back.
            • MacArthur wanted to nuke china but President Truman did not want this as this would lead to world war 3 so he relieved him of his position.
              • The USSR did not officially play a role with the Korean War but did send Soviet supplies, medical services and fighter jets to combat the UN forces
    • It was the first armed conflict of the Cold War
    • It was a setting for a war between the west and the communists
  • China were afraid and sent troops down to north Korea to push the US forces back.
    • MacArthur wanted to nuke china but President Truman did not want this as this would lead to world war 3 so he relieved him of his position.
      • The USSR did not officially play a role with the Korean War but did send Soviet supplies, medical services and fighter jets to combat the UN forces


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