L02 - part 1
- Created by: dowcha17
- Created on: 21-10-22 09:12
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- L03
- The Care Act 2014
- Outlines the way in which local authorities should carry out carer's assessments and needs assessments
- Determine who is elgible for support
- How local authorities should charge for both residential care and community care
- Places new obligations on local authorities
- Duty on local authorities to promote an individual's 'wellbeing'
- Continuity of care
- Duty on local authorities to carry out child's needs assessments
- An independent advocate to be avaliable
- Adult safeguarding
- Local authorities have to guarantee preventative services
- The Health and social care act 2012
- Enable patients to have more control over the care they receive and second that those responsible for patient care have the freedom and power to give care
- No decision about me without me
- Clinical commissioning groups
- Health and wellbeing boards
- Public health
- Healthwatch
- The Equality act 2010
- Protected characteristics
- Prohibits discrimination
- Covers victimisation and harassment
- Right to breastfeed in public places
- Encourages positive action
- Pay secrecy clauses are now illegal
- The Mental capacity act 2005
- providing a legal framework to allow procedures and safeguards to protect and empower those unable to make some of their own decisions
- A presumption of capacity
- Support to make own decisions
- Unwise decisions
- Best interests
- Less restrictive options
- The Children act 2004
- Aims to protect children at risk of harm
- Paramountcy principle
- The child has a right to be consulted
- Children have a right to an advocate
- Encourages partnership working
- Created the children's commissioner
- The Care Act 2014
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