La Haine - la jeunesse

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  • La jeunesse
    • Lack of older people, women, families
      • Large crowds: majority still young men, boys
      • Women often indoors and excluded
      • Characters show respect for own family
        • No respect for other members of society
          • Said especially rude to women - sexist behaviour
    • Lack of role models
      • Reason why characters misbehave
      • Only role model: Said's older brother, Nordine
      • Posters of sportsmen on Hubert's walls
    • Violence
      • Means of showing irrationality, inability to control themselves
        • Hospital scene
          • Policeman tries to be nice but Vinz reacts violently
      • Only way to be and assert themselves
        • So caught up in poverty, drugs and negativity that they cannot see another way of being


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