Labelling Theory
- Created by: Emma
- Created on: 03-04-15 10:22
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- Labelling Theory
- Basics
- emerged from the work of TANNENBAUM
- Using ideas from symbolic interactionism
- being a deviant and acting appropriately adopting it as their master status
- Primary deviance is committed by everyone, but is unlabelled
- It is the social response that leads the offender to be labelled as deviant
- deviance was created by rules and sanctions
- Moral entrepreneurs
- the application of the label of deviant is the key factor of deviance not the act itself
- Self fufilling prophecy
- Being treated as deviant enhances the likelihood that you will adopted this master status
- Deviancy amplification, moral panics and folk devils
- Deviancy amplification
- inaccurate reporting of deviance which is distorted and exaggerted ends up causing more deviancy
- Moral panics
- a situation reported negatively that creates a public fear around it
- Folk devils
- a group of people who are labelled as the deviants and are blamed for the causes of this deviance
- Deviancy amplification
- Evaluation
- is it still possible for deviant behaviour to exist even without a label
- not all negative labels reproduce negative or deviant behaviour
- Basics
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